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実はここのところ、DAZ重すぎ問題が深刻化してます。手足の微調整でキレそうになります。 検索してみると、データベースの場所がデフォルト設定じゃないと重くなるとか、細かいシーンデータを保存しすぎると重くなるとか…そんなん事前にわかるかいな!確定情報でもないし。 まあ元々大人数の画像を作るためのソフトではないのは分かってたことですが…ちょっとさすがに支障が出るほど重いので、DAZを再インストールしてみるとともに、ハニーセレクト2も入れ直してみようと思います。 もう生活のためにはなりふり構ってられないんじゃ!




I like daz. I'm learning a lot. I'm gonna try and see if using older figures will lower memory requirements.


DAZ is a bad program for this stuff. There are two problems... 1) Too many morphs on a figure will slow down loading time for scenes. Keep number of characters and morphs low and un-install unused stuff. 2) DAZ cannot handle large numbers of figures without a very good GPU, if you have too many figures then it will exceed VRAM and render on CPU / crash / slow-down. The best way to keep it on GPU and prevent slow down with a large number of figures is to reduce texture sizes. This helps a lot more than using older models. You can also get rid of normal maps and bump maps if the character is far away as you wont see a difference. You can also render girls separately. Try 3 girls or less for now. 3) When moving limbs you can turn off smoothing and turn off high-resolution to make it more responsive and then turn it on right before rendering.


Hey it's so nice to have friends whom I can discuss about DAZ! I used to render separately when I was on V3. 10 years ago damn! My pc is ci7-12700KF and rtx3060, and still looks not enough... Also, I found a tool globally changes resolution of everything, but not smooting. If you know it, please let me know!


And thanks a lot for reading my complaints in japanese, both you two! and all!