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Hello! First of all, thank you for taking the time and effort to support me here! It helps me keep making art I like and improve upon it. Please use this guide to help you understand how I take commissions using Fanbox and Patreon if you're interested in sending me a request in the future (feel free to ask questions).

1- Only Fanbox/Patreon Supporters participate (any tier)

2- Once a month (If available) I'll make a post called "Commissions Open" to announce when there are open commission slots.

3- These "Commissions open" posts are where supporters can comment their requests and find information about prices and guidelines.

4- I will choose the requests I like/prefer and DM the corresponding supporter.

5- Higher tiers get priority. While I select requests based on preferences, if there are two requests and I like both of them, I'll most likely choose the one with a higher supporter tier. Example:

Supporter 1 (Frippy Plan)

I would like you to draw X character doing a lewd sitting pose!

Supporter 2 (Sleepy Frippy)

Please draw Y character doing a lewd standing pose!

Supporter 2's request gets priority. Same for Frippy Lord (+commission discount!).

6- I won't choose a request by the same supporters twice in a row. I would like to take your request if not one month, the next. Sometimes I'll try to do free recommendations as well (when I can!), this is one way to give everyone a chance.

I hope this guide clarified a lot about how I operate here on Fanbox and hopefully it'll encourage you to stick around for the good stuff.

Thanks as always,





What about just private commissions?


Won't choose twice? That's fair. Everyone should have a chance but if you don't like any ideas, i'll be waiting. Lol


You can comment "private" on the "Commissions Open" post and then DM me the idea. It's easier to have requests listed on Fanbox than to check several direct messages of people who'd like a private one.