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Here's the article they posted, apparently all work including violent sex/rape, incest, minors and mutilation will be removed from Fanbox, Pixiv Request and Booth as it goes against policies of payment companies like Mastercard.

I don't think these changes would affect me personally (do it still sucks for artists I support here) but I'll be more careful as you never know how things will be once they start enforcing this censorship on 12/15. I don't want to make hasty decision of migrating when these news just came out, but considering Twitter (my main SNS) is also going down I'm probably going to use Discord along with Patreon to keep communication with supporters afloat. I'm just trying to keep my head above water as artists keep getting screwed over from all directions more than ever these days. Anyways, just a heads up, thanks as always and I'll keep you updated.



So artists who fled here from Patreon's crackdown over CC companies are pooched again. They shouldn't have a say over content like that but everything sucks these days. Thanks for the heads up.


Yeah, so wrong how companies can just impose their morals for these services.


Peak irony given how many actual crimes have been committed using funds they lend but they're morally outraged at what digital pen and paper creates in the Land of the Rising Sun. I hope Pixiv grows a spine and just hangs a "no gaijin" sign from their window and removes MC as a payment option. To let an American based payment processor restrict the artistic freedoms of their creators is a cowardly move. Anywho, hopefully this works out, love your work and would hate for you to have to look over your shoulder everytime you want to draw something.


That really sucks. Just know anywhere you go, I got your back and support you there. You're too good


During our projects. I like most of your works and your art style. You're also a Kuroko fan, best part too


The thing that I hate the most is how many people are supporting these censorship laws, without them realizing that eventually credit card companies and other corporations, will censor even more things they disagree with. Simple fan-arts could be considered illegal in the future. And just when I started to upload my stuff in here...


As long as we as a community don't just roll over like dogs every time art-hating people show up we won't get to those extremes. Don't let this discourage you and keep making the art you like.