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The FANBOX page has been updated. Changes are described below.


Posts from last year (2022) will be moved to a higher plan: 2900 yen.

Posts that are more than 2 years old (2021 & 2020) will be moved to the highest new plan: 10000 yen.

Old works that fall under the previous conditions will have their lower plan's posts deleted, remaining with a single post with al the content accesible, for the sake of havig fewer posts and further cleanness and eficiency at the .


For more eficiency when searching for every artwork and content, the tags were remodeled as it follows:

PNG (https://www.fanbox.cc/@zssh96/tags/PNG)

This tag will be used for every post from Plan 1: 4K high resolution artworks, and for every post from Plan 4 (+1 year old posts that don't have any NSFW content).

I didn't offer PNG format for old artworks (prior 2022), but those posts will have the 'PNG' tag as well to refer to them having high resolution content.

*Posts from these plans may include ZIP files when there's too much variations to upload on a single post, but that won't make it have the 'ZIP' tag.

NSFW (https://www.fanbox.cc/@zssh96/tags/NSFW)

This tag will be used for every post from Plan 2: 4K high resolution with both SFW and NSFW content of my artworks.

+2 years old Plan 2 posts are deleted, and the +2 years old Plan 3 posts (now moved to Plan 4 and Plan 5) will have the 'NSFW' tag to indicate if there's NSFW content on that post.

*Posts from these plans may include ZIP files when there's too much variations to upload on a single post, but that won't make it have the 'ZIP' tag.

ZIP (https://www.fanbox.cc/@zssh96/tags/ZIP)

This is the old tag I used for Plan 3, which will be reserved only for Plan 4 posts, which contains ZIP files with all the content for a single artwork.

I might still use it for posts from Plan 3 whenever I can gather everything in a ZIP file under the 300 Mb limit per file.

PSD (https://www.fanbox.cc/@zssh96/tags/PSD)

This new tag will be for most recent posts from the 3rd plan, which contain PSD files and timelapse videos of my artworks.

Just to clarify, previous posts with the 'ZIP' tag also include PSD files.

REWARDS (https://www.fanbox.cc/@zssh96/tags/Rewards)

This tag was for a monthly reward summary, but now it includes missing works from every month that I didn't include here

Currently there's some very old artworks (2019 and early 2020) on my Pixiv that aren't accesible through FANBOX since at the time I posted them as text and image type posts, but if you pay for the highest plan (10000 yen) you can message me and I will provide you with all files available for that artwork.

I will link this post in my FANBOX page description, that way even as newer posts leave this one behind, the information will still be easily accessible.


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