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狼族中,女性乳房有25/1機率發育超常,他們通常會族人被稱為奶狼,提供多餘的母乳給其他母乳不足的婦女餵養小孩。她們也不需參加戰鬥或狩獵! *懷孕時乳量會增加。當然跟牛人族─"彌諾陶"相比,乳房大小跟乳量還是相差巨大 In the wolf tribe, female breasts have a 25/1 chance of abnormal development. They are usually called milk wolves and provide extra breast milk to other women with insufficient breast milk to feed their children. They don't need to participate in battle or hunting! *The milk volume will increase during pregnancy. Of course, the breast size and milk volume are still quite different compared to the cattle people-"Minotaur" FB:https://www.facebook.com/OmegaLazyNeko.tw/ TWITTER:https://twitter.com/Omaga_BlueNeko/media patreon:https://www.patreon.com/worldenderdragonTW



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