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其實是給孕控朋友的圖,經同意後放上來,當是是想讓他坐著在桌子前面用筆電,後面我說改成把筆電放再肚子上使用...一拍即合XD -這除了肚子要夠大以外,還要夠挺耶... In fact, it was a picture for a friend, and it was put up after approval. At that time, I was sitting at the table and used the laptop, and then I changed it to put the laptop on my stomach to use... The friend agreed immediately -Besides having a big belly, it also needs to be strong... 原創漫畫於臉書經營- FB:https://www.facebook.com/OmegaLazyNeko.tw/ TWITTER:https://twitter.com/Omaga_BlueNeko/media PIXIV:https://www.pixiv.net/users/21023977



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