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Hi everyone!

It's been another solid work week of progress so let me show you what I've gotten done!

1: What's New?

My work this week was focused in two parts. The first three workdays where spent completing the art assets in photoshop for the characters: Finishing their shading and rendering.

Then the last two days of the work week was spent both preparing the Photoshop Big file for export (The multi-layer file used to import into Unity.) and then importing said file into Unity.

Which was ultimately successful without much issue. Here's a screenshot showing every layer of the files overlaid in the engine.

Two fun facts about this Animation Set:

1: I believe It sets a new record for number of layers and objects for an animation set. Even more then Loona's Time to Shine. (Lots of different tools are used on the roo boy >:D )

2: There where so many layers that I ended up exporting the assets into three more data-manageable sub files: One has Caroo's Head and Body, one has his feet, and one has the warden bots. They where split into three this way because layering wise those are clean cut-off points!

I got a very, very minor start on making the animation files (But not yet bone animating) and here'san example. (Masks for things like Iris's are not in yet)

Caroo in waiting:

( The lighting is currently a hold over from the Loona set. So Caroo will be better seen in the final version.)

So overall we're well setup for getting right into work next week.

2: What's Next?

Next week will be a combo of laying out all 21 parts of the animation set and linking them to the progress buttons so it can be played out start to end, even without bone animation.

Once that's done the next step will be to rig up the assets to bones and start the process of bone animation to bring all the parts to life!

My current estimate and hope is that there's another 2 weeks left of work on the animation set. But lets see how far I get during the next weekly roundup.


- Caroo



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