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Most of this week was dedicated to Palestra this time around. I got the writing done (that new scene was quite something to write...) then the milking's ready and I've got half the contest animations done. If everything goes right, it should be ready in time. However, since this month will need me to focus on Dreadlord Ascension, I will be making a content and features update for October ;).

Dreadlord Ascension:

This month on patreon, the schedule I foresee should be as follow:

- Week1: Dreadlord Ascension package release (done)

- Week2: New version for Palestra

- Week3: Prototype testing

This means that my goal is to have a basic version of the prototype ready to be tested in two weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed for everything to work x). Do keep in mind, not everything will be present in this prototype as we're using this to get your feedback on the new combat system and to catch as many bugs as we can early on before we add more stuff.

New UI elements:

Currently, most of my focus is going into making new UI elements for the combat system and menus in general. It's not the most interesting to show off, but it has to be done at some point and is quite time consuming.

New sprites:

Finally got around to changing Cervius' sprites and also made his transformed sprites! Also, as an extra, here's a cute imp I made as an enemy (or an NPC that will be walking around the castle)



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