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Progress on the Palestra is going fairly well. I've started with the hardest part of this update which is clear the CG. It ended up being longer to make as I have to do it for two characters. (the pose stays the same for the character at the center, but things around change for the most part)

Now, look at everyone who gathered to watch Reki :P

Dreadlord Ascension:

A lot to share on this week's update of DA so let's get started right away!

New animation:

I completed one of the new animation for Zel. This one will be considered a finisher. While Zel is usually huge, he seems rather... small now xP


Leif and his shadow will be the next and last characters for the Radian world. Since the two share the same portraits and have two base outfits, they take longer to complete and will not be part of next week's package. (only the animations will be part of it this time around)


Roseprix will be the one making the new backgrounds for DA and they started work on them! While I do not have the finished product yet, here's the sketch for the first background :P

Battle System Progress:

While I usually give you a quick overwiew of what Threeclaws is doing, he wanted to share a bit more this week. Here's what he had to say!

"Hello everyone, Threeclaws here.

At the beginning Red and I started by writing a design document, so we had a general plan of what he had to do. With that out of the way I decided that we'd need our own editors for the battle system to reduce the amount of work and bug potential in the future. That took until the beginning of June.

With the editors finally done though, I started work on implementing the actual battle and player interaction. I put in the terrain and units first, continued with some basic player input and currently finished the unit movement. Right now I'm implementing the battle between units (attack order, damage calculation and all that). Once that's out of the way, the last big part that needs to be implemented is the enemy AI. Unfortunately there're still some ui stuff that needs to be worked on as well, such as a cursor, status menu for the units, or the battle prediction menu."



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