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The next update will be a content and features update that will mostly focus on Reki with a special random event (with a CG) involving him and Souma. On top of that, there should be some outfits and maybe one or two small changes that I will test for the game if time allows :P. (Testing temperature changes like rain and a vendor to convert Credits into contest currencies)


Slow progress on DA this week since most of my time was spent on Palestra to finish up the update.

On the new combat progress, Threeclaws hit a big snag this week that will delay the new system for some time since Godot's native language (GDScript) isn't powerful enough to run a FE style combat and really lags out. This means he has to write the code in C++ which means it'll take some more time.

While this isn't much of a good news, it does allow me to create more assets for the maps and characters before the new system is introduced and I already started on that today.

Also, I did work on quite a few new characters to create a new futuristic world. I've been planning a few on the side, but this one is the first future/magic themed one. I'm posting some previews of the new characters I've started but I'm also blurring them out because they might change quite a lot as they're far from finished! xD Still, maybe you can make out a few things or guess what kind of world it is haha.



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