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Sorry I didn't make an update last week! I was quite busy and forgot about doing it, but since there wasn't anything last week, this means this week's post will contain both!


Here's a few previews for the upcoming Palestra update. This update will be as big as the updates I was doing prior to starting work on DA! The focus will be Sorey as he will receive his second update (only one update remains after that to complete him!)

As a little extra, Shirou will also receive a new outfit (with an extra variant) which is one of his new appearance in FGO :P.

Dreadlord Ascension:

I've done many things for DA in the past few weeks, but here are some of them:

New animation:

I completed the last animation for Zel's update with an upgraded Take Over, I hope you'll like the slight changes I've made to this move!

New backgrounds:

Another thing I've also completed are the needed backgrounds for this update. All of these backgrounds will also be usable for the animations.

Sounds and Music progress:

I've purchased and started going through a lot of sounds and musics for the game. While I've got most of it (save for the sex sounds), I will still need more time to implement everything. If I have time this week, there might be music in the release next week, but don't expect too many sounds (this will most likely be for the update after).

New Character:

I've completed a new character, his name still has to be picked but here's what he looks like!

This character will most likely be added after Asker and will feature a new world!

The new update for DA will come out next week! Once it's released, I will share what my plans are for the next update as well as its release date :).



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