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After a few months of work, the prototype is here for you guys to test it. First off, I need to warn that this is not a complete game and it’s there to know how you guys feel about it so far. We’re looking for any kind of feedback or bug reports (see the list of currently known bugs).

We tried eliminating as many bugs as we could, but when we exported the game outside of the debug mode, a ton of other bugs popped up but we’ve already fixed a bunch of them. Also, do know that at some point, the saves will be incompatible with the new version of the game (most likely in a few months because we’ll have to do some changes to the core code).

What to do:

1- Find the war room

2- Interact with one of the crystals in the room to setup a world to visit

3- Talk to Fenris to select a fight

4- Interact with the war table to start the planning phase

5- Go through the planning phase (it's really straightforward since only Soren is available at the moment)

6- Clear the battle once you're ready

7- You can try out different fight to gather materials

8- Use the summon gate to summon for Soren

9- Use the ressources you get to upgrade the bedroom

10- Do about 10 fights with Soren then talk to him in the castle to trigger the interaction scene with him.

bugs we’re already aware of:

- Sometimes, the skill buttons can disappear

- Some text is still missing and will display a blank dialogue box

The next goals:

Now that the first version is released and that we’ve got the basics covered, we’ll be looking at expanding on what we have in order to get a better feeling of the game. This means that over the next months, I will be focusing on adding more characters as well as new upgradeable rooms. Zel will be the next character to be added but the goal will be to have about 10 total characters (Soren and Fenris included).

Some other minor stuff like expressions on the busts or additional appearances for characters will also be added during that time. (I want to add some corruption appearances to the game eventually and make a little something around that).

As characters get added, we also want to make small events between them similar to what I made for WhiteBlade. This will only become possible as we get more characters in.

When is the next version?

If we’re going by how I was updating mugen, the next update would around February 7th(there won’t be a new version in January unless it’s to fix some a major bug.)

Now, with everything said, enjoy the first build of Dreadlord Ascension! If you encounter any bugs or if you have some feedback to share, please post it in the comments below.

*Note: It is possible your antivirus will see the game as a virus. If needed, you can add the game’s .exe to the list of exception in your antivirus. It’s something we’re trying to fix but games made in Godot can do that.

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