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I don't have much to share about Palestra this week since I did the writing for the new update. All I can tell is that the update should be coming out as usually planned next week :).

Cervius Game:

This week for the Cervius game, I have a lot to share since I'll be briefly explaining how things will work during the game. Do keep in mind that what you see on the pictures is still a work in progress. With that said, let's get started!

Part 1: The free phase:

The game will be separated into 3 main phases in which you can do different things. The first phase is the "free phase". During that time, the player will be able to walk around Cervius' castle. By walking around, you can talk to different NPCs or the heroes you've recruited as well as interact with some of the heroes you've recruited.

It will be possible to use the construction menu to build and upgrade individual rooms. At the game's launch, not all rooms will be available (very far from it), and not all rooms will be fully upgradeable.

From the construction menu, it will also be possible to assign certain characters to certain rooms. Let's say you've unlocked the milking room, then it is possible to send someone like Soren to use that room. Doing so can provide little bonuses during the next two phases.

In addition to that, in the free phase, you can select your favorite hero in the war room. This hero will be the character you will get by default during a fight.

Finally, the planning phase is where you will be picking the worlds you want to attune to. Attuning to worlds will allow you to visit them and recruit the hero from a certain location during the planning phase.

At the beginning of the game, you can only attune to 2 locations at once, but after progressing enough, it will be possible to attune to 6 worlds at once.

The most important parts of this phase are the construction menu, the attunements and the favorite hero selection as they will not be available in the next phase: The planning phase.

Part 2: The planning phase:

Once you've made the upgrades you want, you can talk to Fenris to see potential threats and pick the demon you want to face. Once you've picked your opponent, you will be able to interact with the planning table in the war room.

By interacting with the war table, you will see a screen telling you information about your upcoming opponent. You will also be able to see which world you can visit in order to recruit heroes as well as get bonuses from visiting certain worlds.

Recruiting a hero will allow you to use them in the upcoming battle against the opposing demon.

During the planning phase, you will have a set number of turns depending on your opponent. The amount of turns will limit your actions and you will have to prepare yourself as best as you can before the battle.

Charming a world will take more than one turn, especially if it's the first time you visit that world. Visiting a world for the first time will fill the bar "charm progress" by 20% each turn. Each turn you spend visiting that world will trigger a written cutscene in which Cervius visits said world and meets the hero. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about the heroes and their worlds.

After the bar has reached 100% you will have a partial contract with the hero, which means the hero will help you in the battle phase. However, heroes with partial contracts will return to their worlds once the battle is over.

After a world has been charmed once, the charm bar will progress normally according to your buffs in future battles, this means it will be easier to charm worlds you've visited before. Also, charming a world again in future battles will trigger sex animations instead of written scenes!

Once the number of turn is over, it's now time to face off against the opposing demon!

Part 3: The battle phase:

This is the final phase of the gameplay loop. The battle phase is where you will face against the opposing demon commander and its troops by using the heroes you've gathered!

The above screen may look a little confusing, but I believe it will be quite simple to play once you try it yourself ;).

The way the battle works is that each hero has 4 skills and those skills must be placed in the 7 slots available in the middle of the screen. Some skills may take more than one slot to be used.

Be careful as the enemy will also be placing some skills in the slots before the player can act! The goal will be to play around what the opponent does and reduce their power to 0 under a certain amount of turns.

Each enemy commander will have a special skill that will take a certain amount of turns to activate. If the commander can activate this skill, then the player will have lost. If Cervius' power goes down to 0 then the player will also have lost.

After the battle:

Once a battle is over and won, the player will receive magic essence as well as construction resources and other loot.

Before returning to the free phase, Cervius will pick one of the heroes that helped him during the fight and reward him with a special sex animation. (those animations will be the finisher tier animations.)

The magic essence you get from the battles can be used at the otherworldly gate to gather resources and if you get lucky enough, you may even be able to form a permanent contract with a hero you've previously seen! Permanent contracts will allow a character to walk around the castle, be used as a "worker" and be set as a favorite hero!


This last part concludes the introduction to the game's main gameplay loop! We've been working hard to bring the game to you guys as fast as possible and going by the way we've progressed, we're aiming for a Christmas release for the first version of the game's alpha!

While the above explanations may sound a little complex without playing the actual game, I hope you're eager to try it out! :D



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