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Breezy Steel

Would you look at that. Yae's got two small moles on her butt cheeks. That's kinda sexy.


Not sure whether I like this more, or Arlecchino! However, is there not a high-res version of Yae with stockings? Or even better, a .psd file? Since I notice some lighting differences between them. I would love to have that so much.


Oh! My bad, I meant *with pantyhose*, not stockings. I was talking about the one featured on Pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113426399) since her butt is covered on that pic. It also has a slightly different shading, most visible on her belly button, and some different details, most visible on her socks (left picture). So that's why I wondered if there was a .psd file to play around! It would be much appreciated :)