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ツイッターにアップしたイラストの大サイズ版&おまけイラストです。 This is a large size version of an illustration I uploaded to Twitter & an extra illustration ご支援&閲覧ありがとうございます! Thank you for your support & viewing!




身長差百合、いつも楽しませていただいています! 湿度高めなカップルでかつ、秘めた欲求が強そうな長身っ子が本当に素敵ですね…!


ありがとうございます! そう言っていただけると嬉しいです😊


Aaah, Rika's belly in picture 3!!! 🥰 This couple and art is a blessing that keeps on giving! So happy :) Also, I did not realize that you're the author of Jewels, Non-Chan and Fuu-Chan, AND "おさななじみの百合夫婦生活"!?! Your style has changed and improved a lot, so I did not recognize it initially. Wow, I've loved all of your work for many years! You're amazing.


Thank you very much! The style of my work continues to be a trial and error process and is not stable, but I am glad to have your support!


It has improved a lot, in my opinion. But I especially appreciate your works for the emotional warmth of the stories and characters you make. I don't want to talk your ear off, but I have deep respect for your art. I also wanted to say that I noticed that you had even rearranged the text in your translated comics so that they are read from left-to-right! That must have been a lot of extra work, and it shows you care about your overseas readers! Very nice. 🙏💖