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Yo! For the folks that follow me here, I got some news and works coming up!

First I'm announcing publically the next comic in the works:

It is the Blueberry Pie/Stardust Cookie comic!

The story will involve Stardust Cookie pondering on a certain

"member" he developed when he became a monster in the final

chapter event in Cookie Run Kingdom. Blueberry Pie is more than

happy to help~

This is will probably take me some time to finish up on. SO...

In the meantime while I'm doing that, I am announcing this month to be...

Marcy March!

It's a month where I'll draw a daily Marcy pic! Lil behind on that regard but I'll catch up/compensate for the time. Mostly for the folks of my fanbox while they wait for the cookie run comic update!

They get the chance to suggest stuff for it too, so I got my work cut out for me!

What I have planned next month might still be more progress on the comic but I do wanna finish it up accordingly to work on the next potential comic for folks here.

Might be another Star vs. comic, but I do wanna work on a potential Owl House or Amphibia one. Either that or I'll thow my usual oddball pitch that folks won't see coming haha.

Lastly, this is kinda my way to also announce I am accepting comms, you might have to wait a while is all since my queue is long but I know there have been folks asking about it and this is my way to just bring it up. I wanna be upfront about that and it's my way to tell folks their comms are being worked on too. Email me at miscrensco@gmail.com for your inquiry and I'll do my best to give a follow up.

That's all the news I have so I wish you guys the best of luck!




Welp time to doodle some Marcy as well