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晚上好! 感謝各位的支持,這邊是剩餘未發布的結局動畫,這幕是整天都不對女主角出手,最後被反推的橋段。 這幾天忽冷忽熱的,大家小心別感冒了! Good evening! Thank you for your support. Here is the remaining unreleased ending animation. This scene is the scene where the male protagonist does not take the initiative to the female protagonist all day, and is finally pushed back. It's been hot and cold these days, so be careful not to catch a cold! Google 下載: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GkMQGVR2np9nghJBqKnDo_PyUCksJaBZ/view?usp=sharing



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