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拖了一段時間的蕾米莉亞委託,順手把其中三張弄了一點動畫效果:) 最近放我作品集的E槽磁碟掛掉了,用電腦用到一半發出了巨大的刮碟聲就沒反應了。雖然大多完整的檔案都有存雲端,但有些沒存的就這樣煙消雲散了。還在保固,寄回原廠不知道還有沒有救XD 然後我開始準備2月FF的漫畫了,在朋友的慫恿下去辦了蔚藍檔案的帳號,星野好可愛喔我她媽畫爆。之前說要畫的方舟角色還是會畫,大概 會變成合集哈哈。 鯊魚的動畫也還在畫,動作線稿比我想像中還難搞,不過還好我因為懶惰所以直接把檔案存在C槽桌面上,才免於E槽毀壞而消失。 氣溫轉涼了,各位注意保暖,非常感謝你們的支持。 I delayed the commission for a while before I started painting, and I made a little animation effect on three of the pictures :) Recently, the E-slot disk where I put my portfolio was hung up, and the computer made a huge scratching sound when I used it halfway, and it didn't respond. Although most of the complete files were stored in the cloud, some of the unsaved disappeared. It's still under warranty, and I don't know if it can be saved by sending it back to the original factory.XD Then I started to prepare the comics for FF in February. At the instigation of my friends, I set up an account with the Azure Archives. Hoshino is so cute. The Ark character that I said to draw will still be drawn, and it will probably become a collection haha. Shark’s animation is still drawing, and the action line drafts are more difficult than I thought, but fortunately, I was lazy and saved the files directly on the desktop of the C slot to avoid the destruction of the E slot and disappear. The temperature is getting colder. Keep warm, everyone. Thank you very much for your support. Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUfsk7wlLVKMMQRP3WfgrHflvS-UL1UY/view?usp=sharing





Ela Brujah

最近开委托了嘛 在哪里 还是说是以前的

Ela Brujah

硬盘损坏应该是能救回来部分数据 不过看运气了


感謝 到時真不行也沒關係的 就讓他去吧XD


氣溫涼了,老師也多注意保暖。 期待FF有新刊可以尻爆

