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感謝各位的支持,這邊是這次作品的原始檔案,4K的影片轉檔真的非常花時間,我在等待期間看了一些遊戲製作(RPG Maker)的教學影片,有時間會去嘗試看看,如果有視作品就會放上來跟各位分享哦!

Thank you for your support. Here is the original file of this work. The 4K video conversion is really time-consuming. I watched some RPG Maker instructional videos while I was waiting. I will try it when I have time. If there is a trial work, I will put it up and share it with you!

Original file > https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ld2M9LkthNZEaox-mcD187-A3lbiit25/view?usp=sharing



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