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大家午安,不好意思拖了幾天才把動畫做好,這次動畫共有02:27,因為想減少重複的畫面,所以硬是一格一格調整,最後比預計花的時間要多好多😅 預覽圖是經過剪接的,完整太大了放不上來,再麻煩各位下載欣賞。暫時不想碰live2D了,調數值調到眼睛快脫窗阿哈哈哈 Good afternoon, everyone. I’m sorry to delay the animation for a few days. This time the animation is 02:27. Because I want to reduce the repetitive pictures, I just adjusted it one by one. In the end, it took a lot more time than expected 😅 The preview image is edited, it is too large to fit, please download it and enjoy it. I don't want to touch live2D for the time being, I adjust the value to the point where my eyes are almost blind. Ahahaha Google Drive: (GIF) (2560*1440)(rar) https://drive.google.com/file/d/13OuvS4f88ymsZnPpgpHUV3ibjJ17ltJ4/view?usp=sharing
