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晚上好! 感謝各位,這是這次9月的投票獎勵PEKORA差分圖// 這張PEKO檔案我開很大,這篇上傳的解析度不低,依舊是原始尺寸的40%而已XD 原始檔案中我把配件整理成不同圖層,你可以自己做拼接來玩XD 再次感謝各位的贊助 ! 晚安 :) good evening! Thank you everyone, this is the PEKORA difference picture for this September voting reward // I drew a large PEKO picture. Although the resolution uploaded here is very high, it is still 40% of the original size. XD In the original file, I organized the accessories into different layers, you can do the stitching yourself. XD Thank you again for your sponsorship! Good night :) -------------------------------------------------------------- 這邊是把2$的PEKO圖片下載的RAR檔案連結 Here is the link to the RAR file that downloaded the 2$ PEKO picture https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WCvAmP5swgG2wCyb2tKC03K3HfhNYq2f/view?usp=sharing
