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各位晚上好, 因為Live2D的序號問題,直至今日官方都未能幫我解決,所以只好把畫一半的Nobeta模型先放一邊,另外畫差分版本的了。 等官方寄給我序號後,之後會再補上她的小動畫<3 圖檔的5$15$獎勵我會私訊發送給大家,沒有收到的人請和我連絡,我會盡快補上的^^ 感謝,希望各位會喜歡。 Good evening everyone, Because of the serial number problem of Live2D, until today the official failed to solve it for me, so I had to put aside the half-drawn Nobeta model first, and draw the difference version. After the official sends me the serial number, she will add her small animation later<3 I will send you a private message of the 5$15$ reward for the image file. If you don’t receive it, please contact me and I will fill it up as soon as possible^^ Thanks, I hope you will like it. Google Drive Nobeta (JPEG) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QIq_jtCAZKprc665_BzKqPUCItQ-sH3a/view?usp=sharing



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