「GG YERROW」未使用カット&ラフスケッチ&次回予告 (Pixiv Fanbox)
「GG YERROW」を最後まで見ていただきありがとうございました!
今回は「GG YERROW」未使用カット&ラフスケッチを公開します。
Thank you for watching "GG YERROW" to the end!
This time, we will show you unused cuts & rough sketches of "GG YERROW". There are various cuts that stopped at rough sketches or at the line drawing stage, but there are two cuts that were completed.
The DEUX plan and higher paid plans are available in a large GIF movie.
The next article, "Mitsuri-chan and Esthe." will be released in late June.
Please look forward to it!
「GG YERROW」のラフスケッチ。
Rough sketch of "GG YERROW".
Those of you who have seen it through to the end will have noticed, The <> in the title represents the eyes of an android.
これはNGスケッチ This is a NG sketch.
漫画イラストのスケッチ Sketches for cartoon illustrations.
Namuch and his friends appear as cleaners.
虹を越えて Over the rainbow
vol.27のカットです。未使用分はこれにインサートする予定でした。This is a cut from vol. 27. The plan was to insert the unused portion into this.
これが未使用分です。動きのタイミングが合わないので、カットしました。This is the unused portion. I cut it because the timing of the movement does not match.
おっぱいしゃぶりシーンが多く続き、作品全体のテンポが悪くなると感じたので、公開しませんでした。We did not release the film because we felt that many tit-sucking scenes were going on and that it would slow down the overall tempo of the film.
「みつりちゃんとえすて」Mitsuri-chan and Esthe.