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Nosuri from Utawarerumono. Card commissioned by PixelKebab#2137 via Discord. Preview pics made by Noli#8256. Special thanks to both of you! <3 Mod includes her clothes ported from a 3D model provided by a contact of mine. Skintight suit and her jacket (bit janky depending on how you pose with it, tried minimising it the best I could, this type of clothing is often a bit of a mess to work with) are in separate slots (suit in top slot, jacket in bottom). Grab the mod here: https://mega.nz/file/lVVBnJwa#CGtRdMzqJ9TkhoEAWEeAH2dhKv79hf6SLYu2y5m0FYo As per usual, thank you everyone! <3




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