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i just want to say something quick thank you everyone for supporting me every month since last September , things has been hard a little bit , and every time i come here on fanbox i see you guys supporting me strongly , and that really lifts my spirit to keep going, doing what i love drawing for all of you still im going to be as slow but not for long thank you from the bottom of my heart and i promises ill post more poop o3o/



It is great to see that you can get out of trouble on bad days. On the Internet, many people just disappeared. I hope you get out of the predicament as soon as possible. I still remember your 2B.


yes need to get back to 2b and 9s asap , and hopefully the only way for me to disappear is if im 6 feet under

NormanA || ノルマンA

Ey, cheers to you man. Always happy to see your content even if it takes a while.