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pixiv is gonna update their terms of service, the changes might effect the fanbox reward packs, so id suggest download everything you can right now, just to be safe

i'll update every one as this progresses, thanx^.^



I think Subscribe Star would be a great fallback option.


I say you get as many of your fans as possible to write their discontent to Pixiv over this decision! We should encourage artists to give Feedback to this choice, that they are outraged over this attempted financial censorship! We should also write to support saying we are thoroughly displeased with these attempts to curtail creative expression! As drawings, no matter how hard they push the envelope of acceptable norms, hurt no one!

CEO of Hentai

Wouldn't change anything unfortunately. This wasn't a spur of the moment decision by Pixiv. If you read the TOS update they're doing it at the behest of the credit card companies that facilitate the transactions on their sites. As long as money is involved there's nothing they can or will do no matter how much pushback they get from the user base. Patreon went through a similar thing a long time ago


I’d rather try then do nothing though, this is a last bastion back here!


I think I can refer to this article https://twitter.com/tatsunoritoku/status/1592457935829225472 Waiting for the judgment notice at the end of November, I hope it will only be dealt with in the face of real people Of course, I will continue to support Subscribestar


They HAVE options. They can create a site exclusive currency like Pixiv Coin or whatever so people only pay money for those. fantia does it similarly with Tora Coin. They just have no backbone and would rather nuke their site than risk losing their payment processor.


Of course, I will continue to support Subscribestar --> If you're in Subscribestar, I will continue to support you on Subscribestar.


thanx everyone, this is just a heads up in case you hadnt heard, we shall wait for the final announcment at the end of november, and see how we shall progress


It’s pretty sad to see where things are going but I just hope that things don’t turn out for the worse. I’ll stay tuned for more updates on situation


So, where should we go? Maybe discord? Or nijie ?


Fuck Mastercard. We she have an uncensored site that uses cryptocurrency payments for artists.