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You quit doing patreon? I'm following homestay heaven.


Imagine going from making a good game Homestay Haeaven to this racist repugnant garbage. Shows a regression in character from the developer. What a shitty person


sorry, patreon policy is not that good. So i have to switch to this site


Anything is better then racist ntr trash. People who enjoy this content are quite literally scum


Well, its just sexual fantasy. And alot of people enjoy this genre. My patreon reach lowest when i'm creating "Homestay Haven" .wholesome stuff is not helping me at all 😢


No, its not. ITs deeply rooted racism that is disgusting. And I wonder why it didn't help you. What kind of romance fan wants to support someone that has made this self loathing racist shit. Look at all the popular games on Patreon, how many are NTR, or how many are BBC? Because more then half have romance. YOU are the problem


God you are dumb. You expect a racist to be at least a cetain level of stupid, but you exceed that so much. Do you forget to breathe at night? I can't wait till Pixiv bans this content. They are already starting to show steps towards that with their latest ban, I wonder if a quick email might solve this? Imagine throwing away all your morals for penny change, while at the same time being too stupid to understand that "Wholesome" content make way more money


whatever, bro. You smart , i'm dumb. imagine getting mad at sexual fantasy


Not only are you dumb, but your a racist as well. What good qualities do you have? Are you just a all around piece of shit, because those are two pretty large negative character traits. I guess thats common in NTR fans, they tend to be pathetic worms