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Since the scenario is still incomplete, the title has not yet been decided.

Because of the large number of illustrations, we will release them in advance only to our supporters. By the way, there are about 90 illustrations in Part 1. Please wait for a while until the completion.


由于插图数量较多,将只提前提供给支持者。 顺便提一下,第 1 部分共有约 90 幅插图。 请稍候片刻再完成。

Story Summary Text(English&Chinese)

My sister asked my brother to insert his finger into her anus.

How did this situation come about?

Apparently, it was because of an incident that happened in the restroom at her school.

After school, she carefully checked to make sure no one was around before entering the school bathroom. When she saw that no one was there, she was relieved. (She wanted to poop, so she held off until after school.)

She stepped on it and a mysterious object appeared from the bottom of the toilet bowl. It then thrust deeply into her buttocks. Something was injected from the part where it was thrust. The mysterious object then detached the tentacle at the tip. The tentacle went deep into her body. She was startled at first, but instantly regained her composure. The tentacle not only made her lose her senses, but also erased any sense of discomfort she felt.

She stepped forward to defecate as if nothing had happened. She was frustrated because she couldn't poop properly, but on the other hand, her anus opened up small and moved like a mouth. Then a green tentacle appeared and entered her open anus. Then it sucked the feces out of her intestines. She was very pooped out and relieved.

(She had lost all sensation and discomfort, so she was unaware that her anus was open and that her feces had been sucked out, and thought she had defecated naturally on her own.)

Then yet another tentacle appeared.




放学后,她在进入学校厕所前仔细检查了周围是否有人。 看到没有人,她才松了一口气。 (她想大便,所以一直拖到放学)。

她踩了一脚,一个神秘的东西从马桶底部冒了出来。 然后,它深深地插入了她的臀部。 在插入的部位注入了一些东西。 然后,神秘物体从顶端分离出一根触手。 触手钻进了她的身体。 她先是一惊,但马上又恢复了平静。 触手不仅让她失去了知觉,还消除了她的不适感。

她若无其事地走过去排泄。 她很沮丧,因为她无法正常排便,但另一方面,她的肛门很小,而且张开着,像嘴一样蠕动。 这时,一条绿色的触手出现了,伸进了她张开的肛门。 然后,它把粪便从她的肠子里吸了出来。 她大腹便便,如释重负。



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Looking good. Tentacle is helping her so she should be thankful however she doesn’t know that it did.


More sensory play??? It must be my birthday 😍😍😍😍😍 i can't wait for the next part! You always treat us with such big stories. I can't thank you enough!!!


As I was drawing this, I wanted to experience the green tentacles too. And what you said "the tentacles help her" is the motto of this story. Looking forward to it!


You make me happy so I can try my best to draw the rest of the story! There are many elements of love, tentacles, sensory loss, unawareness, etc. Look forward to it!

