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Amazing as always the man doesn’t even know it’s the tentacles baby. Can’t wait for tentacle education to begin




I don't know if the translation from Japanese to English (and then from English to Spanish) is correct. But God, I laughed a lot at the man's part when he came back for the third time, "eee sorry for raping you, I saw the opportunity and did it, no hard feelings right? Greetings" sjjsjsjs that man has a golden personality jsjsjsjjs


A man will not believe she is pregnant because her belly is growing within a few hours of sex. If I were in this man's shoes, I would go crazy with fear😖😖


故事的最后,也许会有一个你可以信赖的结局。 但故事还剩下大约 50%,所以请慢慢欣赏💖


The guy came back to apologize because he was afraid she would call the police. But when he saw her belly getting bigger, he was scared and ran away. But the man would not believe she was pregnant because it had only been a few hours since they had sex. <ESP> El hombre temía que ella llamara a la policía, así que volvió para disculparse. Pero cuando vio que su barriga crecía, se asustó y salió corriendo. Pero el hombre no se creía que estuviera embarazada porque hacía sólo unas horas que habían mantenido relaciones sexuales.


I'm excited for the next part!! I'm always happy to get an email saying you made a new post ❤️


I am very happy! Thank you! Here is the second half of the story and I will do my best to make you more pleased!


And he took the time to translate it, how thoughtful of him. (T-T)