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Lovely as always! I didn’t mind the wait for these and I don’t mind waiting for the next set. I would be a terrible and perverted human constantly leading girls to these holes to fall victim of tentacles. 😈


次の話は翻訳ツールを使用しているので、読むのがおかしいかもしれません。 あなたの作品は本当に素晴らしく、触手を題材にした作品はとても私を引きつけました。でも触手と少女が融合したときにペニスが生えてくることを願っています。私にとってはもっと面白いです。


Great work as usual! Can't wait to see the next part! I was wondering, have you ever considered doing "x ray" views from the uterus being slowly modified? I find them really interesting and I would like to see you give it a try some day. 😊 がんばれ!


Thx💖💖I would like to bring the girls to this forest with you! A fun future awaits you for sure😈🐙💜


日本語でメッセージをくれて、私は嬉しいです! 私が女の子と触手を融合した絵を描く時は、様々なパターンを用意します。これからも色々な触手イラストを描きますので、あなたが好むパターンがあると願っています。 I am happy that you gave me a message in Japanese! When I paint a picture merging a girl and a tentacle, I prepare various patterns. I will continue to draw various tentacle illustrations and hope there is a pattern you like.


がんばれThx💖💖 I've drawn "x-ray" a few times now, but I haven't drawn it recently. But I love "x-ray" too, so I will consider drawing it! By the way, please note that Part 3 has more grotesque illustrations than "x-ray"😆


Oh yeah you're right, I had forgotten you did make some x-rays before 😅 I did notice the part-3 preview and i'm eager to see it on your next release! I like the x-ray not for being grotesque but because I really enjoy the smaller details in transformation/corruption art! 💖


私の携帯電話では画像が読み込めず、コンピュータの電源を入れなければならなかった(そして40分後)。 サムネイルで見る限り、若い女性の下半身だけが変異している。彼女の最初の作品を思い出させる。 PS:ディスカヴァーのようなものについて、これまで意見を述べたことはありますか?あなたとあなたのファンのために。 / My phone wouldn't load the images and I had to turn on the computer (and 40 minutes later). I like how the story goes, and from how it can be seen in the thumbnail, only the lower part of the young woman mutates. Her head remains normal (for now) It reminds me of her first works, what a time. PS: Ever weighing in on something like a Discors? , for you and your fans?.


More detail on how the tentacles fuse into the girl's body would be great.


Hoooooooo oh my goodness..... This part was so good!! But the preview for part 3 looks right up my alley....! I'm so excited 👀👀👀


Well, "x-ray" is certainly a way to tell a story in more detail! And it's erotic, too😍


Did you get a chance to see the work, please take the time to enjoy it on your PC😊 Discors? Is that a Discord thing?


I tried my best to draw it, so I'm glad you like it😂💖💖 Please look forward to it👀👀


I think he/or she misspelled discord. I think he was asking if you were weighing on making a server for your fans.


I see, thanks for letting me know😌💕 I know that many painters use discord too. However, I am not good at doing many tasks.🙇Besides, I want to concentrate on providing paintings that will please you all, so I'm sorry, but no thanks🎨


Thanks for the help HunterDemon93, and I'm "he" hahahaha. I see, there's still the idea of "Discord". (I wrote the above when I was on vacation in the south, stable internet and good signal was a luxury, but now I'm "normal").


No problem Musa98. Glad to help convey what you meant to say. As for the discord, understandable it would take some attention away to focus on managing and interacting with your fans.