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Most of you already know by now what's happening, since the suits already sent out a news letter to everyone.

In the meantime, I'm still going to continue developing content as normal, and keep monitoring the situation as it unravels.

This Fanbox page will still operate, but for now and until the end of November several changes are going to occur. However, all of this is subject to change as the situation is updated and things become more clear.

- All the older post will have to be archived as a preemptive measure.

- Previews images will also no longer be posted on Fanbox.

- Releases will no longer be publicated on Fanbox.

- Discussion Threads will be replacing Previews, Release Blogs and Concepts Threads for all tiers.

All the videos are already public on Pixiv for the archive.


In terms of decision making on my part, I'm looking into alternatives for a platform such as Subscribestar. I'll post a follow-up annoucement when that's ready.

As for my personal opinions, I'm not going to sugar-coat this by saying that the current situation doesn't effect my overall creativity. It's already bad enough that I have to censor everything I want to put out - it's been really stiffling on my ability to make content without so much of a headache.

On a positive note, this page will always be kept as a form of communication for myself and fans. Many of you helped so much over the past year through contributions and advice to help me get this far. I'm not ready to throw in the towel just yet.



I find it unfortunate what is happening to you, as well as another creator in the same situation as you, I will follow you on Subscribestar, I have an account to support the creators, I hope that 2023 will be better ps very happy that you continue your adventure😍😍


I actually don't know what's happening, at least not exactly. Just guessing that Paypal and CC companies are pegging Pixiv to throw art like yours off the platform, as it's happened everywhere else? I find that very unfortunate since japanese companies managed to stay unfazed by pressure from financial corporations until now and it seems like the last pillars are caving in. I'm not sure how much longer Subscribe Star will be able to last since they take CC payments too. We need a truly decentralized payment system on the market, and soon. Preferrably one that doesn't tend to lose/gain tons of value repeatedly. If all else fails we'll have to figure out a different option to crowdfund.


Let us know when you're transferring to another site but hopefully you do manage to find one that suits you successfully, I'll happily switch over to it.


Are all the videos from here to pixiv the same quality?


Hi. I had previous issues with my credit card getting accepted in Subscribestar. I've never had any issues in that regard with Fanbox. I have seen artists in other censored plataforms, like Patreon, using external links for supporters to collect the goods. Using the page just for updates (text base) or with softcore images. Therefore, supporters know when to access their Archive (Mega, Dropbox, G.Drive, Filen, Discord etc). For new content. This is my suggestion. Hope your page does not get nuked by Pixiv bending the knee for western policies.


Subscribestar would be a good move, I think. I already contribute to a couple of other artists there that make content similar to yours, and I haven't seen any issues with their content being censored. I would gladly follow you to a new platform should you choose one.


I'm really pissed that companies are screwing Pixiv over. This site has been good for a long time, but I can understand you wanting to move to another place. I'll follow wherever you go to, since I love your work and want to support. Keep us posted on what you decide.


Such a shame to hear about your difficulties with the platform. I will continue to support you where ever you land.


Hi ! I'm not sure I know what's going on, but I think I got an idea. While pixiv allows pretty much all art, you have to always blur out the genitals. I've seen some gif preview that had a visible pog benis :P It's a good idea to get a encrypted drive to publish your content for subscribers like on fanbox, while publicly releasing your content on e621. I am also about to leave subscribestar, because in order to withdraw any donated money, you need to give ALL your personal informations to the US, while Fanbox doesn't even care. I hope that PayPal doesn't cause you any trouble. Good luck !