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Busy Schedule!!! No, not drawing, video games!!!!!!

8th is Final Fantasy IV

10th is Tales of Arise

16th is Eastward

21st is Kena

And many many more!!!


Dozens of drawing on finallize, dozens on fixing, dozens on queue (sweat). I still open for more commission because that and this Fanbox stuff may be my retirement money (more sweat). Until we go full socialist I really can't drawing for free (laugh), and this is speaking from my country that health and food are near mostly free.


Do people really love this shit? It's on pixiv ranking everytime................


This month will go full bodysuit, next month I think I have rubber swimsuit with barefeet...

I personally like Sock/Stocking/Pantyhose etc. (look at them, not wearing myself, it's hot) but if you guys like barefeet so okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~, every future works will focus on them!!!



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