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Hello there,

Everything is on schedule so far, long running Princess will meet the end in this month (12 pages left) but will publish the last batch on July. Next series will follow after when I secure the deal.

A lot of nomming and their bonus pages as always also wait in line to show off. Now we have not just cell vore on queue too, as I show the one panel premise above, a little bit gory this time.

Funeral job an asphyxiation job on talking, and don't forget about our revival service like mini series DMH and Misadventures of those cat lads (that still on talking too).

Speaking of cat, my pet cat is on her last leg of life now (14 years old and chronic kidney diseas). Normally I was planned to tell that now everyone is working from home so my duties will x2 x3 and it's affecting drawing ordeal. The need for taking care of cat like hand feeding, giving saline, shoving big ass drug into her tiny throat, etc. until she sleep and I may have some free time couple of hours a day, insert that to my excuse for tight schedule and slowness too.

But who am I kidding here, I never late or abandoning works. All of Fanbox money will be directly toward my cat so....pay! Kidney foods are expensive as hell and I want her to sitting her ass on my face every morning for another more 5 years!!!



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