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Been wanting to post finished drawings publicly the same day or a day after when it is done. In the past years I always waited a month to post drawings publicly.

Is this something you guys care about? That you get access to drawings a month in advance?



I mean since we're paying it's nice to have some benefits, so maybe if you can offer something else in place, that could work. Else I don't really see a point in subbing tbh.


Post them right away I say. They get leaked either way


Thank you for the feedback. But I would also like to say supporters do get requests, the full resolution version and discounts on commissions.


No yeah, I get that. I would say though that the full res gets leaked anyway, and I don't really care who you draw tbh, so the other benefits don't really apply to me. This is just my view since it starts to add up when I'm subbed to several creators, and I have to budget for them each month. I appreciate the work nonetheless. Thank you.


I think the thing with the Internet nowadays, is that things will get leaked either way, so I subscribe to content creators like you to support their work, without really needing much benefits from it, aside from knowing I helped someone do what they enjoy for a living! So you do whatever you feel like!

Swiss chorizo

Create drawings that only your supporters can see, that you won't post publicly. "Alternate version on my fanbox" "Continuation for my supporters"