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因為有人敲碗想看愛宕毀掉高雄的那件冠軍胸罩。 所以就弄了一下後續。 幾分鐘之後,高雄巨大的雙乳停止分泌乳汁,像是被愛宕吸光了一般。 高雄疲憊的癱軟在床上嬌喘著...這時愛宕忽然叫住了高雄 愛宕:嘿~高雄~看一下這邊 高雄:恩? 在高雄注意力看向愛宕時一陣金屬物碎裂的聲音傳過來。 愛宕:高雄你看~ 愛宕指著自己胸前穿著的從高雄那邊奪過來的冠軍胸罩。 或許是吸光了高雄的乳汁,愛宕的胸看起來變得更加巨大,其尺寸將高雄的冠軍胸罩撐得扭曲變形,甚至開始龜裂。 高雄:騙人的吧? 高雄驚訝地看著眼前發生的事情。 接著愛宕一個壞笑,用力挺起胸膛,高雄的冠軍胸罩終於承受不住壓力直接炸開。 愛宕:高雄就是一直穿這麼小件的胸罩,胸部才會長不大喔,不過這下要打造一條更大的冠軍胸罩了呢。 這下高雄不止是作為姊姊的威嚴,自傲的乳房、性能力,連象徵自己時帶的冠軍胸罩都被愛宕徹底粉碎。 I hope to see the follow-up of this story. Because I saw this message more than once in the message So I did this.. After a few minutes, Takao's huge breasts stopped secreting milk, which seemed to be absorbed by Atago. Takao is tired, limp and panting on the bed... Atago suddenly calls Kaohsiung. Atago: Hey~Takao~take a look over here Takao: Yeah? When Takao looked at Atago, a sound of metal objects breaking came. Atago: Takao, look~ Atago pointed to the champion bra she had won from takao in front of her chest Perhaps because Takao's milk has been absorbed, Atago's boobs look even bigger, and their size has distorted Takao's champion bra, even started to crack. Takao: Impossible! Atago: takao has been wearing such a small bra, so your chest will not grow much, but now we need to build a bigger champion bra. At the moment, what atago smashed was not only the champion bra symbolizing the status of takao queen, but also her dignity as an elder sister, proud breast and sexual ability.




I was so excited to see the destruction of Atago's bra that shattered Takao's pride as a queen and as a big sister!😍 Takao's astonished expression when Atago's even bigger boobs were shown to him was also very good!


If possible, I would like to see a humiliating scene where Queen Atago breastfeeds Takao with her growing bombshell breasts, where the older sister is breastfed by her younger sister.