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夢子持續攻擊咪咪的敏感處,忽然在一次的打擊中,咪咪的雙乳噴出了乳水... 咪咪:什?!我的力量開始流失了!? 為了不使咪咪的肉體受到過大的傷害,她體內的能量會抵消傷害,代價是會產生些許的快感...而快感累積的一定程度,波神的乳房會開始本能的產生乳汁..並排出體外。 而夢子的攻擊集中在咪咪的雙峰之上,產生了類似愛撫般的效果,加上物理傷害被抵銷後產生的快感與先前簡沂君的乳炮加大了咪咪的敏感度,以上幾點使咪咪受到的快感比平常強上了數倍,乳房提前進入高潮狀態... 不能再這樣下去了!咪咪心想,體內的力量開始凝聚增幅,雙眼產生光芒。 Mimi continues to suffer from yumeko's attack Suddenly, the plump breasts of Mimi spewed out breast milk with yumeko's beating Mimi: No! My energy began to drain... IIn order not to cause too much damage to Mimi's body, the energy in her body will offset the damage at the cost of a little pleasure When the pleasure accumulates to a certain extent, Mimi's breasts will begin to instinctively produce milk And excreted from the body. Therefore, the breasts of Mimi have a physiological response in advance. They expel the breast milk carrying Mimi energy earlier than usual. I can't let her go on doing that, Mimi thought The energy in the body began to expand and condense, and Mimi's eyes showed light.




The controlled white girl's previous milk attack also made Mimi's body more sensitive