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咪咪:做得到就試看看吧! 對於眼前的情況進行簡單的思考後(簡沂君消失,夢子的外觀變化),理解了現況...咪咪憤怒地朝夢子衝去...並開始進行猛烈的攻擊。 或許是還不適應成長進化後的身體,面對咪咪如暴雨般的,夢子居然只能拼命防守...雖然與前面那種被打一下人就會飛的老遠相比,現在的夢子已經能承受咪咪的攻擊,儘管她只能防守。 怎麼了?不是說要玩我的奶嗎?只有這點程度嗎?咪咪不削的嘲諷道 過了約一分鐘之後... 夢子開始出手反擊,雖然是頻率極低... 又過了一分鐘,夢子的反擊頻率逐漸拉高...已經免強算得上是在對打。 又過了一分鐘,夢子已經可以和咪咪戰的不相上下... 這傢伙...怎麼回事?!對於眼前的情況咪咪產生疑惑..對手雖然有進行確實的防守,咪咪對其造成的傷害還是有持續在累積,但對方不但沒有因此而變弱,反而出拳的速度與力道越來越強,打法也越來越刁鑽。 怎麼了?動作變慢了?夢子嘲諷著說道。 別太得意,我只用了八成力而已...咪咪回覆 嘿~是喔~那在認真一點吧...夢子陰笑著,隨後明顯把速度又往上提升了一個等級。 二人開始進行激烈的纏鬥。 ps:夢子有著將看過、體會過的體術瞬間學會能力,在吸收了簡沂君後,身體獲得了成長,可以扛住咪咪的攻擊,應該說在此刻夢子的肉體強度已經稍微凌駕於咪咪之上,所以她才會在一開始的時候選擇防守挨打,來吸收咪咪的攻擊技巧。 Try it if you can! Mimi quickly looked at the situation on the court. A woman and white girl she had never seen in appearance disappeared She probably knows what happened. Mimi angrily rushed to yumeko, and Mimi's fist hit yumeko like a rainstorm. Maybe yumeko hasn't adapted to the newly evolved body, and her attack on Mimi Yumeko can only defend。 Is this your new power? Didn't you say you were going to play with my nipples? Mimi said without cutting。 After about a minute.... Yumeko began to fight back, but the frequency was very low. Another minute passed... The number of counterattacks by Yumeko gradually increased, and it seemed that the two were already fighting each other。 This woman What's going on? Mimi can't understand what's happening right now. Although her opponent has a perfect defense, Mimi's attack still makes yumeko suffer a small amount of damage But yumeko's strength and speed are gradually rising, and even his hitting skills are becoming more and more excellent. Are you slowing down? Are you tired? Yumeko said sarcastically Don't be complacent. I only use 80% of my strength. Mimi replied Ah ~ then take it more seriously~ Yumeko showed an evil smile to ridicule, and then accelerated. Mimi and yumeko began a fierce struggle... ps:Yumeko has the ability to instantly learn the fighting skills he has seen and experienced. After absorbing the energy of the white girl, yumeko is now slightly better than Mimi in physical strength. That's why she chose to take Mimi's attack first Use this time to absorb and learn her fighting skills.



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