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夢子以飛快的速度撞擊,衝撞咪咪,產生巨大的聲響,二人碩大的乳球彼此碰撞擠壓...(雖然大多衝擊力都被二人柔軟的乳房給吸收掉了)。 夢子是屬於肉體特化派的魅魔...這是犧牲其他能力(還有一部分智商),專注成長與肉體上的類型,這使她的肌肉比起同齡的姊妹們更加結實...緊繃雞肉時乳房的觸感就像實心的橡皮球一般...加上敏銳的性慾直覺,這能讓她迅速摸清對手身體上的敏感帶...而在二人接觸時夢子的雙峰就已經在侵犯咪咪的雙乳,只要伴隨著高速衝撞後的倒地壓制...就能用自己緊實的巨乳狠狠的擠壓毆打對手的乳房,在給予對方快感的同時...還能將對手的乳房壓制變形,甚至坍塌... 但是隨著夢子的衝鋒撞擊,兩人只是在地面上划出了十公尺左右的划痕...咪咪成受不了衝擊而被壓倒在地的情況並沒發生...咪咪穩穩地接住了夢子的衝擊...不管夢子在怎麼扭動身體都無法撼動咪咪半步... 夢子:疑?!怎麼沒有倒下?........既然如此,我就...!!! 眼前的情況使夢子立刻產生疑問,然而下一瞬間她便做出了反應....她伸手抓住咪咪的手,一副要用蠻力將其扳倒的姿態....全身的肌肉開始收縮,捨棄速度,將能量全部轉換成力量... 夢子笑著說到:嘿嘿...抓到你了... 然而咪咪並沒有做出其他攻擊,而是配合的伸手與她互相抓住對方...二人就這樣互相糾纏了一陣子...正在夢子持續提升自己的筋力時,忽然兩條手臂被遠勝自己的力量狠狠地拉了起來....夢子還來不及驚訝咪咪就說了。 咪咪:誰抓到誰還不知道呢? Yumeko hit Mimi with powerful and fast impact. Yumeko is a demon with special growth of body... Yumeko has stronger physical ability than her sisters, Although this is the strength gained at the expense of the growth of other abilities and part of the IQ... This makes yumeko's huge breasts become like a solid ball... Yumeko will use her breasts to hit her opponent's breasts... And explore each other's weaknesses through keen intuition... She is good at giving pleasure to her opponent... By squeezing and hitting her opponent's breasts But yumeko hit Mimi with all his strength, and only slid about 10 meters on the ground and stopped... Mimi completely withstood yumeko's attack. Yumeko: why didn't she get knocked down? Yumeko had questions, but the next moment she immediately grabbed Mimi Yumeko: I can't knock you down... But I've caught you now. Yumeko switched her muscles to power mode... It can make her produce more power... Now the distance between us is 0... There is no need to increase speed. Mimi cooperates with yumeko. They hold each other's hands with their hands... When yumeko continues to improve his strength and tries to make Mimi yield by brute force... Yumeko suddenly feels a powerful force and lifts his hands Mimi: who's caught now?



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