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布狄卡抓住賴光因快感而露出破綻的瞬間立刻發力爬起身子,想將賴光壓下地面...然而賴光僅是在體力儲備上稍處下風,且雖然都是S級的肉體,作為攻擊型的賴光在力量上遠遠高於防禦型的布狄卡...賴光靠著蠻力撐住身子和布狄卡形成55開的態勢... 呵呵~布狄卡小姐真是驚人的反撲呢...但是很遺憾力氣還是太小囉~和你的巨乳一樣..不足以將我給壓倒呢...賴光留著汗珠脹紅著臉如此說道 嘖...該說真不愧是身經百戰的戰士嗎?這樣都無法放倒你...但別太得意真正的勝負現在才開始!同樣留著汗水的布狄卡回應道... 二人在長年的戰鬥中,除了壓倒性的戰鬥外(包含性鬥),遇到苦戰的經驗也不在少數(基本上是性鬥,且是少數特別強的魔王種,如隔壁棚..武藏那種的)...與之鍛鍊出來的高等級性技,基本上是不分伯仲...而人迅速地進行攻防...濕滑的蜜穴互相磨蹭親吻著對方...彼此的小穴都已經品味了對方的味道,像是飢餓的小孩一般對著眼前的美食舔著卻不能吃下去,面對如此情況食慾(性慾)只被更加激烈的挑動,溜出了更多的口水(愛液)...恨不得立刻吞噬對方....二人忍著快感試著擊垮對方..香甜的淫水緩緩流著,倘落地面都已經形成一小攤的水窪...激烈的互角之態再度持續了近一小時。 然而平衡終於隨著其中一方明顯快於對方的嬌喘而崩潰,率先出現弱勢的人...是源賴光..賴光美麗的容顏,為了忍受快感而變得扭曲,脹紅著...汗水浸濕了她的臉龐...布狄卡並沒有放過這瞬間,加大力到用力撐起身子,逐漸壓過賴光的身體,並以更快的頻率扭動腰部與臀部... 怎麼了!?快要不行了嗎~布狄卡得意地說到... 賴光聽了咬緊牙不甘心的說..才...才沒有!沒...沒感覺...呀啊阿~~話才剛說完布狄卡又加強了刺激,瞬間就讓賴光叫了出來...粉紅色的乳頭以驚人的是氣勢噴出了香甜的母奶。 啊啦啊啦~真是可愛的奶子呢這不就是在宣告我已經不行了嗎?接下來~就讓媽媽我~來。好。好。疼。愛。你。吧~ 賴光的體力雖然還很足,但是在進入消耗戰的局面後,就是布狄卡的領域了... Raiko has amazing power, so even if budica takes advantage of raiko's distracting moment to launch a fierce attack, raiko can't be knocked down. Raiko holds her body with her hands... She says triumphantly It's amazing miss budica... But for me, your big boobs are as small as your strength. You've missed the chance to beat me. After listening to this, budica said a little unconvinced... It's worthy of miss raiko, your strength is really amazing, but my endurance is the same as my breast size, bigger than yours... I will beat you. Raiko laughed and said, "come on, honey." Two women with big breasts and sexy bodies have launched an equal sexfight!... Although raiko has great power, budica, who is good at defense, is more suitable for war of attrition Finally... After spending nearly an hour, raiko finally couldn't bear the pleasure and yelled out. Budika took advantage of the victory to strengthen the twisting force of waist and buttocks... Raiko made a comfortable and licentious cry, and her pink nipples spewed out sweet breast milk




Raiko’s milk is spreading out... I guess Boudica can beat Raiko if they have titsfight now because Raiko’s tits become smaller