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Hey everyone, here are my plans for this month.

I wanted to start to let you know that Sarah's model progress is going slow but steady, in the step I am I couldn't find any tutorials so I'm doing a lot of trial and error but I'm close to finish fitting the proportions of the new body. I'm asking around to see if I can get some help/feedback before finishing this step.

My goal this month is to have Sarah's model ready to get into Blender, expecting by the end of this month (if sooner, better of course). The hardest step I believe will be rigging the model and setting it up to work in Source Filmmaker, I have some tutorials regarding this matter but I'll try to get help if possible.

Well, of course animations are still a thing! I'll animate whichever idea comes up to my mind. To finish, this month I have a lot of work at my job but I'll use my free time to progress on the project as much as possible, I'll update you pretty soon with more images of the model.

Thanks for all and have a great week!