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Hello! I'm finally done with these Sarah animations, it's been a lot of ups and downs, I had to scrap a lot of poses because I couldn't achieve what I wanted but I'm happy with the ones that worked.

I'm uploading three files; the loop animation followed by the creampie and the creampie animation separated plus the previously uploaded loop animation (I noticed it was a bit too blurry, so I rendered it again and matched it with these files).

Here is the direct link for the animations: https://files.catbox.moe/ipylyn.mp4



Sarah's folder: https://catbox.moe/c/idvvek

I really hope you enjoyed these works, now it's time to move on to other characters and 3D modeling.

I'll be checking the files I've gathered to find a good body replacement for Sarah and I will share with you the progress of this journey. If I manage to make a new Sarah, I'll most likely be able to update or even create models that aren't available yet, so this will be my main goal during the next months. Of course I'll be still animating, so don't worry about it, we'll give some love to the other girls too!

Since it's Halloween month, I'm thinking of animating Sherry Birkin and Clementine, I'll be posing some ideas during this weekend and share them with you on Monday.

Thanks to everyone for your continuing support, without you these animations would have never seen the light, have a great weekend everyone :)




Bruh your stuff is awesome 👌


Wow... just wow 🤤