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Hi, sorry for the delays but I've been having way too much work lately and has been difficult to finish editing. I've added two animations to the Archive (one with two angles).

You can find the file in the Archive under the names of "SSF S", "SA01LCG" and "SA02LCG" in the "TLOU - SM" folder.

I've managed to add sound to the standing animation but I've decided to not add audio to the following animations for now (except for the creampie animation). The thing is that I want to finish these animations as soon as possible so I can work onto new projects. There's still a chance to revisit the animations and add sound though.

Next month I want to do a lot of content with simple animations, a lot of them will be remakes of really old animations I've done in the past. Also, I've been downloading tons of models so I can find a good body for a new Sarah model, so my idea is to keep animating other characters while I figure out how to make my own models.

There's still a lot to render, so there's still more content for this month! More news soon :)




I love the subtle tit jiggle, nice touch