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Hello everyone, it's been a while, I've made a tough desicion and wanted to let you guys know, specting to be for the best.

I've been literally taking forever to finish Sarah's short and to be super honest with you, progress has been really slow because of my job and demotivation. Don't get me wrong, I've been animating and I've finished a good amount of scenes but also I've discarded a lot of animations for the reasons I always complain about (Sarah's model quality) and it's frustrating to not be able to make the animations I really want to do.

So well, after a lot of thinking, I came up with a solution that I hope you agree with, I just don't want to keep you waiting forever and move on to new projects. Since I have a good amount of Sarah animations, I think the best I can do it's to scrap the short and start releasing the scenes separately as loop animations (of course some aren't loops but I can adapt them to make them work, some not), most animations are about 30 seconds long which it's pretty cool and of course, each animation will have sound. The other good thing is that I'm able to render variations.

This means that I should be releasing them starting next week and hopefully more than one per week. Releasing these animations means that I'll be able to move on so I can start learning to create my own models (Sarah being the first on my list). This is something that motivates me to keep working doing these content.

For those who didn't know, I was planning to take a long break but if we do this, I feel it's not neccesary since the wait has been way too long and I will use my spare time to learn to make models and animating whatever comes to my mind to keep adding content.

Learning to make new models will be a slow process but it's one of the few things that motivates to keep doing this, and as I said, I will still be animating so it's not like I'm gonna stop adding content, I will be doing more variety though!

I really hope I'm not letting anyone down, I know shorts are fun projects but I just can't deliver but maybe I can make something better in the future if I can make my own models. Thanks for everything and have a great week!



Just happy to see your doing well