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Hey everyone, hope you had good Holidays!

*Context for new subscribers, you can skip this if you've been supporting me from before September*

In September, my MEGA account got banned and I didn't take it very well. I tried to upload my archive in a new account but it was banned in a few days, even tried Google Drive and same story, so since I couldn't find a safe place to upload my works, I haven't been able to get an archive back up.

Like always, I look up for references and inspiration from other artists and I've found out that recently their MEGA accounts has been taken down too, same way as mine.

I don't really have much contact with other artists, so I wanted to ask to any of you that supports other artists if you could tell me which platforms are they using or what are they work around to solve this problem, I'd appreaciate it a lot!

You can message me here or in Discord at Orgazmonite#4853 (I'm always invisible but I check at least once a day, I get notifications when I receive messages anyways).

If you can help me I'll get an archive up as soon as possible so everyone can have access to it again (specially newer subscribers!).

Thanks for your time!



Dropbox is a good alternative. Never had issues with it myself.


I don't know why, but I've never felt safe with Dropbox, it can still be an option at least to share the short though. I got another suggestion that it feels better, but first I need to ask a bit around to set it up. I appreciate the help!