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I'm really sorry for this late WIP but I had technical issues, I had to replace my PSU and it took more time than expected to get a new one due to lack of stock.

I'll take this opportunity to tell you my next plans:

Regarding new models, I sadly had it really rough by not getting replies and also the modeler I wanted to commission wasn't taking jobs.

So I've taken the decision to learn myself to make models (luckily I have some 3D modeling background), this however, will take time so I hope that you are a bit patient until I get the hang of it.

The first model I will work on will be a new Sarah, I will share with you the progress of my learning.

This doesn't mean I will stop animating though, we'll keep doing the monthly animation poll plus I will be animating whatever I come up to.

Also, my part-time job comes to an end next week, so I will have way more time to learn to make models and animate more!

I will be animating Alice this week and maybe something else too :)

Thanks for everything, take care!



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