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Hello! I wanted to thank the people who did the survey so far, the results are very interesting and they help me a lot!

At the moment this post is made, there are 26 surveys done, this is how it's looking so far:

(If you haven't done it yet, here it is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2RMFPFD )

As you can see, we have a clear Top 4: Sarah, Sherry, Ellie and Alice, so the poll is reflecting that this month. The middle section it's pretty even, so that means there are interest in those characters. Keep in mind that this is for reference and not necessarily means that the bottom picks will never be animated, but I'm prioritizing at least the top 10.

About shorts: The weeks while you vote and I animate, I'll be contacting people to get models, hopefully I can work something out. Anyways, after I finish August's animation, I'll make a poll for the next short.

Note: Ellie's animation is done, I'm currently rendering a third angle and I just need to add sound. I also have a surprise, they will be up either tonight or tomorrow morning!



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