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While we are getting close to start August, as mentioned before, my priority will be to get better models to work with. So in the meanwhile, I'll be doing more loop animations with the models at hand besides the animation poll.

I've made a survey that will help me a lot to find out which characters are your favorites and give them priority when doing animations unrelated to the polls and getting better models.

Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH88DBJ

I'll most likely do a public version of this survey too to help me get more support but the priority will be the one that responds supporters. The survey won't expire, so you can do it whenever you want and new supporters will be able to respond it too!

*In case that a lot of new models get released, I will remake the survey, I'll let you know if that's the case. (I estimate that this may happen every 4-6 months).

Hopefully most of you responds it, thanks!


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