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Full res: https://mega.nz/folder/JS8mTDDB#fOaAExaXh4Euj44WAvNPCg


I don't even know where to begin so i'll just talk through bulletin points

- That is correct i am not dead, i have actually been working since the start of the year on this ONE HUGE ANIMATION that basically was 6 months in the making.

- "Why did you go completely silent without saying anything if you were working on this the whole time?" you might be most probably asking.

I can only apologize as this was a complete misstep by me, if you didnt know i really like making big surprise projects where i dont show anything about it until its done, and that is fine for smaller things but i grossly miscalculated how much this would take and by the time i realized it was too late to show anything about it and i could only push forward.

- You may consider this as my big comeback animation even tho i never planned to seem like i stopped doin art altogether. But everything will now go back to normal and if i ever do another project like this i promise to say it from the start and show all the WIPS. I learnt my lesson.

- For those that stayed and supported me i cant thank you enough and i hope you will enjoy this 6 months of work, i will be creating art consistently again so look forward to it. For those wondering still about the unfinished animations i have, they will be completed and will work on them from now on.



Senhor Plings

Thanksss Shinki, My first subscription ❤️❤️❤️ And I LOVE GUMBAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thanks Youuuuu


I love your work and because this animation looks so good I had to sub to both see it and support ❤️


Seeing part 1 on twitter, I subbed for this. Much appreciated art.

Nick Workman

Subbed because of this animation! I don’t mind long lead times for animations, but updates are always appreciated


Hi bro, any chance for the PART 2 with the same actors ? that anal need a creampie with a good lore