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はっぴーばれんたいん(´・ω・`) 4枚目以降はビニール袋なし、 5枚目体液無し、 6枚目はボディーペイントなしになります。 1000円プランはこちらから↓ https://zubunohakidame.fanbox.cc/posts/7457239 ずっとずっと盗聴器やカメラで見守っていた近所の某学校の小柄で可愛い後輩系J〇ちゃんが バレンタインデーに放課後の校舎裏で部活の先輩にチョコを渡して告白している姿をこっそり校内で設置した超小型カメラで目撃した。 相手方の先輩も少し照れながらもチョコを受け取り告白を承諾し、 後輩ちゃんはとても嬉しそうだ・・・ これは彼女が恋愛が無事に成就するために、ずっとずっと見守っていた僕も彼女のエスコートをしなければならないだろう・・・ 僕がずっとずっと積み重ねてきた君へ愛が踏みにじられた気持ちを あの先輩にも伝えてあげないとね・・・ 君を永遠する為に君の全てを僕に捧げておくれ・・・ Happy Valentine's Day^^ No plastic bag after the fourth sheet, The fifth one is without body fluid, the sixth one is without body paint. Click here for the 1000 yen plan↓ https://zubunohakidame.fanbox.cc/posts/7457239 A petite, cute, junior-type J0-chan from a certain school in my neighborhood, whom I had been watching with wiretaps and cameras for a long, long time. On Valentine's Day, I witnessed her confessing her love to a senior student in a club on the back of the school building after school, giving him a piece of chocolate. The other senior was a little embarrassed, but accepted the chocolate and confessed his feelings to her, The junior looks very happy... This means that I, who have been watching over her all these years, will have to be her escort in order for her romance to be successfully consummated.... I will have to tell her how I feel that my love for you, which I have been accumulating for a long time, has been trampled on. I will have to tell her that I love her too.... To make you eternal, give me everything you have.



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