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お題箱の依頼(https://odaibako.net/u/zubuodaibako): 女の子の剥製の製作行程など 初めて顔をはぐシチュを描きました! かなり深夜テンションで描きました(笑) 誤字脱字がある場合は連絡お願い致します。 Request for a subject box(https://odaibako.net/u/zubuodaibako): the process of making a stuffed girl, etc. First time I painted a face peeling stew! I painted this in a very late-night tension lol. If there are any typos or omissions, please contact me.



Se AKi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-25 15:14:04 This was such a great for Toph, Sokka and Katara. I really love how they scam scammers with Earthbending and I love the return of Wang Fire. This episode really shows how much Katara and Sokka care about each other. And how much their mothers death affected the both of them. It also really shows the core of Katara's character. It was also great to see Toph expressing how she felt about her parents and Katara. It was great to see Combustion Man again and I loved combustion bending being confirmed. Also the fight against him was awesome. Katara realizing she could use her sweat was always a great moment. Great reaction as always. :>D
2022-07-13 12:25:04 食人のド定番シチュ! 最高

食人のド定番シチュ! 最高


ありがとです。 お肉食べて、 元気いっぱい( '༥' )ŧ‹”ŧ‹”